Bristol Hypnotherapy for Addiction - Catherine Embleton Bristol Hypnotherapist

Addiction can take many forms. The most common things we think of when it comes to addiction are drugs, drinking and smoking but our modern society has created a multitude of others that we don’t automatically think of such as; over eating, watching lots of TV, over working, over exercising, excessive gaming, screen time, to name a few. Anything where there is persistent and intense urge to engage in certain behaviours or activities, you do not have control over your actions and they have negative consequences on your life. This is the difference in enjoying one or two drinks and when that goes on to 5 or 6 and we actually don’t even want to drink anymore but find it hard to stop. Almost like something else takes over and you are under its command.

Signs of Addiction

  • Irritability and anger.

  • Not being able to control your actions and decisions.

  • Feel numb and disconnected from others and the world.

  • Feeling shame and guilt about yourself and your behaviour.

  • Keeping the behaviour a secret from others. 

  • Sudden mood swings.

  • Lack of motivation.

  • With drawing from those you know.

  • Obsessive thoughts and actions.

  • Low self worth and low self esteem.

Addiction manifested in my life with binge eating, over socialising and excessive TV watching, which from the surface don’t seem so harmful but in fact, the binge eating weakened my immune system and lowered my self esteem, the over socialising meant l wasn’t comfortable in my own company and would always seek the approval of others, and the over watching of TV created a passivity and low mood that stopped me from wanting to do anything positive in my life. I lived in this distracted, numbed out place for many years in my 20’s and thankfully found a Hypnotherapist in Bristol who helped me through it. This Bristol Hypnotherapist helped me understand myself better, work through my past experiences, increase my sense of self worth and empowerment so I didn't feel l wanted to take part in the old behaviours, l felt more happy, secure and content within myself. Hypnotherapy for addiction is so powerful as it covers everything from how an addicted brain works from a neurological point of view, an exploration of the uncomfortable feelings and beliefs we are trying to suppress and a clear path forward to becoming free from these old addictive behaviours which creates a happier and healthier you. Having been in the depths of this pain and coming out the other side, l can tell you first hand just how powerful it is. If you are looking for a Hypnotherapist in Bristol to support you with this then l am here to help.

Can hypnotherapy help with addiction?

Hypnotherapy is a powerful and evidence based tool that will help uncover what uncomfortable feelings, beliefs, past experiences, you are trying to avoid or distract from through using the substance or behaviour. By using the state of hypnosis, also known as trance, we can begin to access the root causes to your addiction. Using a combination of NLP, Cognitive Hypnotherapy, timeline regression, EFT, parts work, shadow work, future pacing, and coaching, we safely support you through reframing the root cause of the problem so that a life free of those old addictions starts to slowly form in your unconscious mind. A new path forward, a new possible way of living becomes available to you. 

The education you receive around the change in the neurology of the brain allows you to have greater awareness and understanding of why you are behaving this way and feel unable to stop. Hypnotherapy can help those dealing with addiction become aware of underlying issues, understand their impacts on current behaviors, practice more effective coping mechanisms, and begin to confront personal responsibilities and move towards recovery. 

What is hypnosis and what does it feel like?

Hypnosis, also known as trance, is an everyday occurrence that we go in and out of multiple times each day without realising it. It is this state of trance that we utilise when working with clients to access the unconscious mind and create lasting change. So whether we are watching TV, driving to work or brushing our teeth - we are all in trance states around 90% of the time which means that in those moments, our unconscious mind is driving our thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It is astonishing that we are only consciously in control 10% of the time.

It feels a bit like you are half awake and half asleep but you are fully conscious of everything that is being said to you and you are able to speak and communicate at any time. Know that you are in control of the process and your unconscious mind will only discover the things you are ready and able to deal with so you can feel safe and supported throughout the process. 

What are the benefits of hypnotherapy for addiction?

Hypnotherapy can help in so many amazing ways which can help strengthen mental well-being and create a stronger sense of connection to oneself. This in turn can be an invaluable resource when it comes to recovery from addiction and creating a fulfilling life free from substance abuse. Hypnosis can help eliminate negative thought patterns, manage stress and anxiety, improve focus and concentration, and even encourage physical healing and well-being. Hypnosis can also be used for those hoping to access their deeper level of creativity or deepen their spiritual connection through self-exploration.

  • Increased self awareness and understanding of yourself and your addiction.

  • Having more control and ownership over your life and actions.

  • Feeling an increased sense of wellbeing and health mentally, emotionally and physically.

  • Stronger connection to self and your purpose.

  • Feeling more connected to others and life.

  • Feeling calmer and more relaxed within yourself.

  • Liking yourself more and being more accepting.

  • More balanced mood.

  • Able to appreciate the small things in life.

  • Finding enjoyment in more things.

Client A - Was drinking everyday and went down to drinking a few pints on the weekend in 6 sessions. Client B - Was binge eating on the weekends and completely stopped overeating in 12 sessions Client C - Was smoking 20 cigarettes a day for the last 20 years and quit completely in 4 sessions. 

If you are looking for a Bristol hypnotherapist with personal experience who can support you in a supportive, safe and encouraging way through your addiction then contact me for a free phone consultation to find out how hypnotherapy can help you. 

To book contact me here and feel free to ask me any questions about the process. Or Call Me Now On 07896281723


New Year, New You - Bristol Hypnotherapist Catherine Embleton